Spacare Rapid Shock 5Kg

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Spacare Spa Shock is a Non-Chlorine Shock Treatment for spas & hot tubs.

It is a highly concentrated, fast dissolving oxygen compound that reduces and eliminates combined chlorine levels. It is very fast acting and a spa or hot tub may be used only 15 minutes after dosing.

Used regularly it increases sanitiser effect. It also contains a clarifying agent creating extra sparkle.

It may be used as a non-chlorine shock for ornamental ponds and fountains.



Sprinkler required dosage over surface of water with pump and filter turned on.

Rapid Shock will dissolve within 2-3 minutes.



Add a weekly 20gm dose per 1000 litres.

This product will greatly improve the quality of water and remove any excess body fats.


Any advice or suggestions above, including but not limited to instructions and dosing rates are intended to be a guide only.

Spa-Parts-Pro and its staff recommend you read the full instructions on all chemical containers.

We will not accept responsibility for the use of these products.

*Box QTY 4