SpaCare Crystal Clear (Clarifier) 500ML

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Crystal Clear is fast acting, versatile natural clarifier that is both NON-TOXIC and BIODEGRADABLE.

Its unique formulation is specifically designed to
Clear cloudy water and make it sparkle
Aid in removal of fats, oils and suntan lotion
Aid in removal of dissolved metals and dead algae

Add 100ml per 1000 litres of water every fortnight.

Ensure that your spa/hot tub water is correctly balanced.
Clean the filter(s) prior to using Spa Care Instant Filter Klenz for cartridge filters.
Add the required amount of Crystal Clear to the spa/hot tub (see dose rate above).
Run the circulation pump for a minimum of 1 hour.

Repeat the dosage on a fortnightly basis and when refilling the hot tub/spa.

When there is a heavy bather load, an extra dose is advised as there will be additional body fats in the water which could cause cloudiness and foaming.

Any advice or suggestions above, including but not limited to instructions and dosing ratesare intended to be a guide only.

SPA PARTS PRO and its staff recommend you read the full instructions on all chemical containers.

We will not accept responsibility for the use of these products.