SpaCare Bio Klenz 500ML

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  • Regular price $35.00
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Bio-Klenz is a fast-acting BIO-CLEANER especially developedfor the hot water environments of Spa Pools and Hot Tubs to removeBIO-FILM from pipework, filters and spa surfaces.

Bio-Klenz, Used MONTHLY, will protect your Spa Pool or HotTub all year round. It will keep your water in the freshest, cleanest andhighest quality condition that you've ever experienced.


Bio-Klenz should reduce your overall maintenance chemicalcosts and increase the clarity and brilliance of your water. It also enhancesyour filter's ability to filter finer particulates and contaminates.

* Savemoney and maintenance time

* Enjoyclearer water

* Useless sanitiser

* Waterwill look and smell fresh

* Waterwill feel soft and silky

*Heater element(s) will stay cleaner

*Operate pump(s) less per day, week or month



DOSAGE: Add 250ml of BIO-KLENZ per 1000 litres of waterMONTHLY



1. Ensure sanitiser is present during treatment.

2. Check that both pH and Total Alkalinity levels are withincorrect parameters.

3. Add required amount of BIO-Klenz (as per Dosage above)

4. Run pump to circulate.

5. Repeat treatment with Bio-Klenz every 28-30 days.



For best results addto hot or warm water.

This product is not a substitute for a pool sanitiser.

Foaming is NORMAL.


Any advice or suggestions above, including but not limitedto instructions and dosing rates are intended to be a guide only.


Spa-Parts-Pro and its staff recommend you read the fullinstructions on all chemical containers.


We will not accept responsibility for the use of theseproducts.

*Box QTY 12